Curling Stone Service
Guaranteed precision running edge, therefore there will be no break-in period and all stones will be consistent and keen right from the start.
To prove this, have the club send us two of their stones, we will recondition them and you can test our workmanship. The only cost to the club for this would be the freight charges.
Recondition both sides (per sheet)
Regular Price $1260.00 Early Booking $1140.00
Recondition one side (per sheet)
Regular Price $736.00 Early Booking $664.00
Reprotrude striking band (per sheet)
Reprotrude is the process of re-exposing the striking band on stones that have worn flat. Continued use of stones with flat striking bands can cause irreparable damage.
Regular Price $240.00
Recondition striking band (per sheet)
Reconditioning is a process of removing granite and polishing back this area to leave a narrower 1 1/2" total band.
Regular Price $875.00
Tileset/Ailset curling stones (per pair)
A layer is sliced from the bottom of each stone and a piece of porcelain tile of blue hone granite is epoxy glued in place. The stone is then reconditioned and guaranteed against pitting and fracturing. This is recommended for clubs with stones that are prone to pitting.
Regular Price $475.00 Early Booking $425.00
Tilesert/Ailsert curling stones (per pair)
We cut a 6 1/2" diameter area out of one side of the stone and insert a disc of porcelain tile of blue hone granite into this area. Granite epoxy adhesive secures the disc in place.
Regular Price $495.00 Early Booking $475.00